Next up we have Granny and Granny in my opinion is such a fun Killer and a really hard Killer to rank, because I think Granny is one of the most skill oriented Killers if not the most skill oriented Killer in this game, Her utility is through the roof and she is definitely an easy Killer to pick up, but her abilities can be abused in favor of the Survivors and we’ll kind of talk about that. OVERALL I think Banshee really excels at end game when there is just a few machines left because she can put a lot of pressure on them with Curse, she can put a lot of pressure on with her Scream but I don’t think her map pressure overall is very good especially early game, however regardless of whether you’re a good player or not I think she’s a pretty well-rounded Killer and I think the best home for her is at B tier. Her final ability is FLIGHT which allows you to fly with the Banshee in any direction, which means left, right, forward or even up into the sky and that’s how I like to use it a lot, I like to flap into the sky and kind of see if I can see any Survivors Working on a machine and where they possibly go, you have a few seconds as you’re descending and you can kind of hover or float to slow your descent and that’s really great to see what survivors do as they’re running away when they spot you in the sky, however when you’re using the flight to catch up to a Survivor in a chase it’s not as good as her handling I guess we’ll call it (like she’s a car) is not very good especially when you’re taking sharp turns or trying to navigate around furniture or other obstacles, you turn and move very awkward and it gives the Survivors a lot of time to run away, you also have a second or two before your attack actually comes out after flight so by the time you actually swing the Survivor has time to get some distance on you and you just look like a fool smacking at the air, which has happened to me a few times where I just lose distance because I smack right away from flight. Scream is a large AOE ability that damages any Survivors in the area and highlights them and Survivors love to prop up near their machines and hide when the Killer comes over, they don’t like to go too far away or at least in my experience they stick close to the machine, hide and wait for you to go away before popping up and continuing to work on it, which is pretty advantageous for Banshee, because she is gonna pop that AOE annd you’re going to be highlighted, take a tick of damage and then she’s gonna smack the **** out of you. Her next ability is SCREAM and this is what sets Banshee up to be a really good Killer in my opinion. Have that 1 v 1 situation that sometimes happens and the final Survivor gets that huge speed boost when repairing the machines, because what this means is you can curse one or two machines and you might only have another one to check so your patrol becomes a lot easier. Pressure on them) BUT, I think its biggest use personally is in the endgame when you

This ability is pretty effective in the early game as it slows down the match a bit and gives you time to find the survivors and start whittling them down and getting them chaired up (putting Her first ability is CURSE and what that does is you can curse a prop machine to make itĬharge slower ( multiple prop machines can be cursed) when a survivor is working on it.